Our Impact

Our Corporate and Social Responsibility Roadmap


"Our mission is to improve the quality of life of our employees and those we serve while contributing to economic and social development and environmental protection in the communities where we operate."

Pierre Bellon
Founder of Sodexo

Our Promise

At Sodexo Live!, we recognize the importance of prioritizing sustainability in all aspects of our business. Responsible decision-making is crucial in reducing our environmental impact, promoting social responsibility, and building a diverse and inclusive environment.

Our 5 Sustainability Pillars

Our strategy is based on our five sustainability pillars and Sodexo's Better Tomorrow commitments, while always keeping our clients' objectives in mind.

  • 01

    Reducing Waste

    Food waste reduction and diversion practices are fundamentally important to us, our clients, and the future of our planet. The negative impacts of waste are far-reaching and can have severe consequences on the environment, wildlife, and human health. Sodexo Live! prioritizes actions that reduce food waste and promote sustainability.

  • 02

    Boosting Plant-Based Dining

    The food we serve is not only central to our guests' experiences, but it also plays a significant role in our carbon footprint. As more people become aware of how diet and food choices impact the environment and our health, having nutritional plant-based options on menus has become a necessity rather than a novelty.

  • 03

    Smart Serviceware and Packaging

    As a market maker in sustainability, we have committed to championing sustainable resource usage. One area we focus on is reducing single-use plastic usage, which is crucial for both us and our clients. By decreasing our dependence on single-use plastics, we can help create a healthier and more sustainable future for everyone.

  • 04

    Responsible and Local Sourcing

    We are committed to making a positive impact on the communities we serve. We prioritize directing our procurement spend toward local businesses and suppliers that use sustainable practices. Our aim is to contribute to the well-being of the communities we operate in and support local economic growth.

  • 05

    Supporting Communities

    Inadequate access to healthy food is a significant challenge faced by millions of Americans. As a leader in the hospitality industry, we have a presence in communities across the country. We possess the skills, expertise, leadership, and resources necessary to help in the fight against hunger in America.

Our Stories About
Our Impact


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